Paolo Zoli is the president and CEO of Zoli shotguns. Listen in as he tells us the history behind Zoli shotguns, and what makes them stand out from the rest! Paolo loves to hunt and shoot himself, and his passion for shotguns shows! This was a very interesting and informative conversation! Dominic Bethel from the Meadows comes on to discuss the upcoming Southeast Regional and all of the cool things that he is offering at this regional, some of which have never been done at a regional before! This is an event you are going to want to attend! Listen to what Dominic has in store for you and you will surely be on Scorechaser to reserve your spot!

Author: Jason
Currently in AA class, Owner of Clay Range Design Works, Vice President of the Ohio Sporting Clays Association, and a delegate for the National Sporting Clays Association for the state of Ohio. I am committed to help grow the sport that i love so much!