Wrap up / National Sporting Clays Championship
PART 1. We start this episode with a wrap up of the National Sporting Clays Championship with Neil Chadwick.
Then we keep Neil on the phone for the long awaited debate between Neil and David Radulovich about attending big shoots.
This debate has some very interesting statistics that David found, as well as the statistics that Neil has. Both sides of the argument are interesting, have merit, and at some points, very entertaining!
Listen in as we cover all the bases and bring you every reason why you should or should not attend big shoots!
Elite Shotguns – https://elite-shotguns.com
Fiocchi USA – https://fiocchiusa.com
Rhino Chokes – https://rhinochokes.com
OtoPro Hearing Service – https://otoprotechnologies.com
RE Ranger – https://www.reranger.com (10% Discount = DEADPAIR)
Atlas Traps – https://www.atlastraps.com
Vero Beach Clay Shooting – https://verobeachclayshooting.com
Taconic Distillery – https://www.spirits.taconicdistillery.com/
Scorechaser – https://scorechaser.com/
NSCA – https://nssa-nsca.org/