Our content will benefit all skill levels, featuring discussions from some of the sport’s best shooters and coaches, as well as product and service specialists.

Episode 5 – Young Guns

Sean and Jason are joined in-studio by former SCTP shooters Trace Hatfield, Sam Lecras and Sam’s father Tim Lecras who discuss their journey from the SCTP and now transitioning into their College shooting teams as well as competing in NSCA Tournaments.

Episode 4 – Florida State Shoot 2020

Jason returns from his journey to the Florida State Shoot to tell us all about his trip and the tournament. While there he snags one on one interviews from Rollins Brown and Kemble DuPont, Gebbin Miles and Karen Shed, Chris Farris, Mike Luongo, and one of the very best target setters in the country, Rick…

Episode 3 – The Gear Series EP1 – The Gun

The Dead Pair crew talks about one of the most fun topics of all…the gun! Sean and Jason join Jim Eyster, a world-renowned gunsmith and overall shotgun guru, Jim shares his knowledge about what new shooters should be looking for in their first target gun as well as cleaning and maintenance items every shooter should…